How To Get More Views on YouTube : Using Youtube Algorithm

Tips for Master the YouTube Algorithm

YouTube algorithm is a set of codes that will decide the following things like search, home, suggested videos, trending, and subscriptions. which is driven by artificial intelligence. YouTube's chief officer said that over 70% of videos you watch are from suggestions made by their algorithm. That means You Master This algorithm you will get lots of views.

YouTube doesn’t reveal the secrets behind their algorithm but it's an important aspect to the success of a channel. In this article, we'll explain strategies that YouTube does talk about as well as theories they don't talk about.

our goal is to help the YouTube algorithm work with you.

The YouTube Algorithm 

YouTube always changing its algorithm every year. However, if you look at YouTube from a Business Perspective, their entire goal is to keep users active on their platform as long as possible.

If you help YouTube with that goal, by having users stay on your channel as long as possible, you will be rewarded. And this will never change because it is YouTube's entire business model to have people watch videos as long as possible.

This is the important factor and the rest of the tips in this article are all secondary to this.

How People Find Your Videos?

There are 7 different places people can find your videos on YouTube:
  1. On the YouTube home page
  2. Via search results
  3. Recommended Videos
  4. In trending Videos
  5. Through channel subscriptions
  6. Through notifications
  7. From collaborations
If you can perform well in all or just some of these categories it can be very powerful. The following tips will show you how to do that so you can grow your channel.

1. Increase Watch Time

important Factor to make recommendations is video Watch Time. 

If users stay for 95% of your video it must be awesome so YouTube will recommend it to others. If people are leaving your video 50% it's telling YouTube that people don't want to Watch your Full video.

What is the average watch time of your videos? And how can you increase it? Use these tips to increase your Watch Time:

Keep Your Opening Intros Short

  • If you have a long 30-second intro for every video it's likely people are skipping it - which hurts your Watch Time. Keep opening and ending credits short enough so no one needs to skip it.

Cut Out The Boring Parts

  • Make sure there are no slow or boring parts in your videos. People have short attention so don't give them a reason to skip sections of your video or leave entirely.

Follow 5 Second Rule

  • In the first 5-10 seconds of your video try to convince viewers why they need to watch the entire video. To give you one example you can create a suspenseful 5-second preview of what's to come.

Keep Your Eye on Analytics

  • Numbers never lie. Pay attention to when your users leave, how long they watch and see what you can do to improve this in future videos.

Upload What the Title Says

  • If you're making clickbait titles make sure your videos deliver what's promised. If they don't deliver then the audience might not watch your future uploads and it could impact you negatively.

Create Longer Videos

  • Making videos longer is the easiest idea to boost your watch time. The difficult part is they must be just as engaging so users stick around. Many top YouTuber's aims for 10-minute videos - they believe that's an ideal length for the algorithm. 

Like to Dislike

  • A high dislike ratio can often make people leave your video instantly.

2. Call To Actions (CTA)

As the saying goes, "Ask and you shall receive." CTA's exist because when done well, they work. But they only work if you do it repeatedly.
Make sure to always remind your audience what you want them to do. Obvious CTA's for YouTube are:
  • Hit the like button
  • Hit the notification icon
  • Subscribe, comment, share
When users take action on this it helps your channel in every way. All it takes is 5 seconds to say it or show it in your videos.

3. Make Your Channel Worthy

Have you ever found a show on Netflix or a new YouTube channel you just can't get enough of? And then you binge for hours? 

If you can create content like that you are very skilled at your craft and you will win no matter what.

Ultimately, the quality of your videos is what makes people want to watch more so that should always be the main focus. However, here are basic ideas to get your audience to stay on your channel longer:
  • Create a series of videos (Episodes 1,2,3).
  • Cross-promote your videos. For example, if it comes up naturally mention other videos that you've made. 
  • Use end screens strategically. Show users what you think they'll want to watch next or something that compliments the video they just saw.
  • You can link your best videos in the description. For example say, "Check out my most popular videos..."

4. Increase Click Through Rate (CTR)

Make your title and thumbnail very appealing and clickable. If it instantly grabs people's attention and gets more clicks than the competition YouTube will keep recommending it.

The only way to know how your thumbnail and title performs is by split testing it.

5. Make Algorithm Friendly Videos

In 2019 YouTube created tougher guidelines and started prioritizing content that was "advertiser" friendly and family-friendly.

This transition was the start of many videos getting demonetized if it had sworn if it had certain words in the title if the content was controversial and so on. Additionally, any of these "borderline" content would not be recommended by YouTube's algorithm anymore.

If you want to be on the safe side, stick within YouTube's rules and guidelines. However, some channels swear and are controversial and are still successful. 

Neither option is better or worse. What's most important is staying authentic with your audience so you must decide what that means and looks like for your channel.

6. Post More

New videos get an extra push when they come out and are much more likely to be recommended. So obviously you can take advantage of this by posting more frequently.

You should try to post as much as possible while maintaining the quality of your videos. Everyone's channel is different so for some that mean 1 video per week, others can do a daily vlog, and some will post once a month.

Post as much as you can be based on your schedule and without sacrificing video quality.

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