How to Upload a Video to YouTube

How to Upload a Video to YouTube

1. Keywords Research

Good keywords can multiply your views Organically. That's why it's important to do some Keyword research before every video. Good tools to find keywords Ubersuggest, Google Trends and Google Keyword PlannerSome Top Youtubers Suggested TubeBuddy it's a Great Tool For Research Keywords. To find popular words, use YouTube's autocomplete feature. Start typing the topic of your video and see what words or phrases YouTube automatically suggests. When making your tags put the best ones first. YouTube gives more weight to the first tags.

2. Before Upload

Youtube Support's Following Formats only so Make sure before you Render the video. 
  • MOV
  • MPEG4
  • MP4
  • AVI
  • WMV
  • FLV
  • 3GPP
  • WebM
  • DNxHR
  • ProRes
  • CineForm
  • HEVC (h265)
The resolution of your video doesn't Mater Youtube Supports all Video Resolutions.

How to Upload a Video to YouTube

How to Upload a Video to YouTube

After Render, The Video Please Give The Video Properties Details information to video don't Leave it empty. and Make Sure name the Video something with keywords. Don't name it "Untitled" or something along those lines. When you upload the file you're giving YouTube a few extra keywords to index. Saving the video name with special words will help you that much more in the search rankings.

3. Upload Transcript

Upload the transcript to all your YouTube videos. This makes your video more discoverable. Google will index every word to help people who are searching the web.

4. Make Good Thumbnails

A good channel requires consistent branding. Your thumbnails should have a consistent look so your viewers can instantly tell which videos are yours. Then, in the suggested videos sidebar, they can binge-watch your content.

5. Write Good Description

A good video description will help the YouTube algorithm to understand your content better. Make a detailed description with some keywords so your video will be more relevant in search. The title and some tags aren't much for YouTube to work with. That's why a good description is more important than you think. You should also take advantage of the description space and put any links you want your audience to click.

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